Live Streams can either be added as their own module or linked to sessions within the agenda. Most clients prefer to have the streams accessed from the agenda.
To add a live stream to a session you will need to navigate to the session in question. Modules- agenda – select your session – edit pencil.
Once you are in that session you can then click ‘Create Live Stream’ in the top right. Here you can either create a new live stream or link one which has already been created. Live Streams can also be created in the libraries section.

Once you click Create live stream you can name it what you like. It is best practice to name it the same as the session it is attached to ensure the right streams are attached to the right sessions.
You don’t need to put anything into the ‘override video url’ unless you are using the live stream module to house a video which is hosted elsewhere. If this is the case you will need to add the streaming url in here.
Once added, more information on the stream will appear but most of this is for the stream tech’s reference. You can add a header image in here if you would like to.
The stream key may need to be added to the running order against the corresponding session.
If you would like to link your stream to a particular session then this can be done by navigating to that session within the agenda. Click the edit pencil and then navigate to Features. Here you can select your stream from the drop down list.

If you would like to add a Live Stream module, then add this via builder. Once it has been given a title you can then link your streams.