Apple App Store Access #
Whoever is your Apple Developer Admin should be able to follow the below 12 steps to give us access to just a single App in the App Store Connect part of your Apple Developer account – and this should (I think!) give us all the access we need to get the app setup for you 😊 Please see the “Apple” attached to this email which includes 12 screenshots – each one corresponding to the 12x steps below.
1. Login to your Apple Developer Account as the Account Holder at this URL: and press Identifiers

2. Press the plus to add a new identifier

3. Choose App ID – the default – and press continue

4. Ensure App is selected and press continue

5. There are a few bits to get exactly correct here!
- Choose a description to the app – doesn’t matter what you put here, I usually use the cc_app_id which you can ask your CrowdComms contact for!
- You must type exactly “com.crowdcomms.cc_app_id” as the Bundle ID – with the cc_app_id being different for each of our projects – ask your CrowdComms contact for this.
- Ensure “Associated Domains” and “Push Notifications” are ticked below – the push notifications is right down the page.
- Press continue.

6. Review and press continue

7. Go back to and this time press Apps

8. Press the plus to add / create a new app – and choose New App

9. Here you will put in some app information:
- You will put the exact name of the app as it appears on the App Store pages here – 30 characters max and cannot be changed easily, so be sure to get this right
- Set English as the primary language
- Select the Bundle ID “com.crowdcomms.cc_app_id” – the one you created earlier
- Under SKU write something (I would use kerridgesevents but up to you – it’s not visible to any users
- Choose Full Access

10. Go back to – Users and Access and press the Plus to add a new user

11. Fill out Crowd as the first name, Comms as the last name and [email protected] as the email and scroll down

12. Be sure to tick ‘access to certificates, identifiers and profiles’, and then you can select which apps you want to grant this user access to – select the app you just created and press invite

That should do the trick for the Apple side of things!
Android Google Play Console Access #
1. Login as an admin to the Google Play Console:
This Google guide should help setup the equivalent for Google Play:
If you need to make the app on Google Play first, which I think you do – the two screenshots below should show the process. You will again have to put in the app name as you want it to appear on the app store page when creating it, but there’s less to do in terms of setup on Google than Apple, so hopefully the two screenshots combined with the help guide above helps!