Knowledge Hub

Meeting Booking Analytics

Meetings Analytics 

  1. To request for Meeting Booking analytics exports, go to
  2. Log in with your email and password
  3. Type in the app short code of the relevant Event App you wish to get the report for and click ‘Go’
  4. At the top of the page, you will see several tabs including ‘Streams’ ‘Documents’ etc, scroll to the far right and click on ‘Meetings’
  5. Click on the ‘Meetings Report + Emails’
  6. Then select a date range for your report, and click ‘Download’
  7. Your report will be sent to your email for you to download.

Analytics Breakdown

High Level

  1. This sheet provides you with the summary of different types of meetings and their statuses which have been arranged in your event app.
  2. Below is the list of rows that you’ll see and what they mean. Each row also shows the value for the number of times the situation occurred

Meeting with another delegates – When a delegate arranges a meeting with another delegate

Meeting with an exhibitor or sponsor – When a delegate arranges a meeting with a representative of a company either via the company page or via the ‘New Exhibitor Meeting’ page

Meetings accepted with another delegate – When a delegate-to-delegate meeting gets accepted by the meeting invitee

Meetings accepted with an exhibitor or sponsor – When a delegate-to-company meeting gets accepted by the company representative

Meetings declined with another delegate – When a delegate-to-delegate meeting gets declined by the meeting invitee

Meetings declined with an exhibitor or sponsor – When a delegate-to-company meeting gets declined by the company representative

Virtual meetings accepted with another delegate – When a delegate-to-delegate virtual meeting is accepted, including meetings accompanied by one-to-one video call

Virtual meetings accepted with an exhibitor or sponsor – When a delegate-to-company virtual meeting is accepted, including meetings accompanied by one-to-one video call

Virtual meetings not accepted with another delegate – When a delegate-to-delegate virtual meeting is either rejected or pending and isn’t accompanied by one-to-one video call

Virtual meetings not accepted with an exhibitor or sponsor – When a delegate-to-company virtual meeting is either rejected or pending and isn’t accompanied by one-to-one video call

People availability – Shows delegates availability against the time they spent in meetings and the time they scheduled meetings against the time they spent in meetings expressed in percentage

Meeting requests (Delegate)

  1. This sheet provides you with detailed list all your delegate-to-delegate meetings which have been arranged in your event app.
  2. Below is the list of columns that you’ll see and what they mean:

Short code – This is the code of you event app

Meeting ID – This is the unique identification code of the meetings

Requestor’s name – The first and last name of the person who initiated the meeting

Requestor’s email – The email of the person who initiated the meeting

Receiver’s name – The name of the person who has been invited to the meeting

Receiver’s email – The email of the person who has been invited to the meeting

Meeting types – This can either be a delegate-to-delegate or delegate-to-company

Location – The setting where the meeting took place, either on virtual or a physical location.

Start date – The date the meeting has been scheduled for

Start time – The time the meeting has been scheduled for

During – The length of time the meeting has been scheduled for

Invite message included (Y/N) – Whether or not the requester of the meeting has included an invite message in the meeting invite

Invite attachment included (Y/N) – Whether or not the requester of the meeting has included an attachment in the meeting invite

Invite status – The status of the meeting invites at the time the analytics was requested

Meeting requests (Company)

  1. This sheet provides you with detailed list all your delegate-to-company meetings which have been arranged in your event app.
  2. The list of columns is identical to the one above, with the addition of:

Company – The name of the company who’s the representative has been invited to the meeting

Virtual accepted (Delegate)

  1. This sheet provides you with detailed list all your delegate-to-delegate virtual meetings which have been accepted, including meetings accompanied by one-to-one video call.
  2. Below is the list of columns that you’ll see and what they mean:

Short code – This is the code of you event app

Meeting ID – This is the unique identification code of the meetings

Requestor’s name – The first and last name of the person who initiated the meeting

Requestor’s email – The email of the person who initiated the meeting

Receiver’s name – The name of the person who has been invited to the meeting

Receiver’s email – The email of the person who has been invited to the meeting

Meeting types – This can either be a delegate-to-delegate or delegate-to-company

Location – The setting where the meeting took place, either on virtual or a physical location.

Start date – The date the meeting has been scheduled for

Start time – The time the meeting has been scheduled for

During – The length of time the meeting has been scheduled for

Invite message included (Y/N) – Whether or not the requester of the meeting has included an invite message in the meeting invite

Invite attachment included (Y/N) – Whether or not the requester of the meeting has included an attachment in the meeting invite

Invite status – The status of the meeting invites at the time the analytics was requested

Actual start date – The start date the virtual call took place on the one-to-one video call

Actual start time – The start time the virtual call took place on the one-to-one video call

Actual duration – The length of time the meeting took place on the one-to-one video call

Notes taken (Y/N) – Weather or not the participants of the meeting took notes during the meeting

Top 3 tags – The top 3 tags which have been used by the participants of the meeting

Note: You can use this report to compare delegates planned virtual meetings against the actual meetings that have taken place using the one-to-one video call. You will also be able to identify meeting which have been accepted but didn’t go ahead (no show).

Virtual accepted (Company)

  1. This sheet provides you with detailed list all your delegate-to-company virtual meetings which have been accepted, including meetings accompanied by one-to-one video call.
  2. The list of columns is identical to the one above, with the addition of:

Company – The name of the company who’s the representative has been invited to the meeting

People availability

  1. This sheet shows delegates availability against the time they spent in meetings as well as the time they scheduled meetings against the time they spent in meetings expressed in percentage
  2. Below is the list of columns that you’ll see and what they mean:

User name – The name of the user who is registered on the event app

User email – The email of the user who is registered on the event app

Actual time/Booked time (%) – Total scheduled meetings divided by total time spent in meetings expressed in percentage

E.g: A delegate scheduled 5 hours of meetings in total, however spent in total of 6 hours in these meetings. This person’s meeting productivity is 120%

Actual time/Free time (%) – Total scheduled meetings divided by total available time expressed in percentage

E.g: A delegate scheduled 5 hours of meetings in total, and they’ve set their availability for meeting for 7 hours. This person’s meeting capacity is 71%

Updated on June 28, 2024
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