We will need the following details from your Adyen account:
- API Key
- Merchant Account
- HMAC Key
Log into your Adyen account and follow the steps below:
API Key #
- Click on Developers > API credentials > Create new credential
- Select Web service user and click on Create credential
- In Client settings, click on Generate client key
- In Server settings, click on the Copy icon next to Generate API key > Save Changes and copy/paste your API key in the API key field in idloom.events. Make sure you copy and securely store the API key in your system – you won’t be able to see it later.
Merchant account #
- Click on Settings > Merchant accounts and copy/paste your Merchant account name under Account code in the Merchant account field in idloom.events.
HMAC key #
- Click on Developers > Webhooks in the left side bar menu > Webhook in the top right corner > Add
- Click on View classic page
Configure webhook settings for Idloom #
- Enter https://idloom.events/webhooks/adyen as URL
- Select TLSv1.2 as SSL Version
- Tick the Active box
- Select HTTP POST as Method
- Click on Additional Settings > Generate new HMAC key > Save Configuration and copy/paste your HMAC key in HMAC key field in idloom.events
- Lastly, enter a reference in the Reference field, such as “idloom”. It will serve as reference to know where the transactions come from.