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mobile event app software application to enhance the experience of attendees and organizers at events

The Truth About Event Apps: Are They Really Dead?

Welcome back to Event Advice by CrowdComms. As your trusted guide through the ever-evolving landscape of event technology, we’re here to delve into a topic that’s close to our hearts—event apps. Join us as we explore the myths and realities surrounding their use in today’s digital age.

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A Guide to Essential Event Types

Whether you’re a budding event planner, potential sponsor, or future attendee – you’ll know there’s a range of event types that bring people together.  But what you may not know is how a trade show differs from an industry event? Or what happens exactly at an AGM, and is it different to a Town Hall Meeting? 

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A Guide to Effective Event App Marketing

While there’s no disputing the event app’s key role at events, there’s still the small matter of making sure attendees know the event app is available, where to find it, and how to use it.

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The Undeniable Benefits of Event Wellness

Wellness might feel like a social media fad, but it’s actually a rapidly expanding, multi-trillion global industry. With 79% of consumers believing that wellness is important, should event wellness be a feature on your agenda?

The answer is an overwhelming, yes! Incorporating wellness in your next event can deliver a whole range of benefits to your attendees and stakeholders.

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The Future of AI Event Technology

AI already helps us find our way to event venues, connect with fellow attendees via social media, and find a ride share for the way home.

Further advances in AI technology are likely to create events that are even more immersive, inclusive, and personalised for every attendee.

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Awesome Benefits of Seamless Event Tech

Most event organisers want their attendees to experience the event as an easy flow of friction-free interactions. While that’s definitely possible with disparate services, there may be a lot more work involved and more potential for things to go wrong.

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CrowdComms In-Person Event App, event app

The Event App is Back!

While the event app didn’t leave us over the last few years, it certainly took a back seat while virtual event technology did the heavy lifting connecting remote attendees. Now in-person events are back in full-swing, the event app is reclaiming its title as the event industry’s most essential piece of tech.

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Whatever your vision for your next virtual, hybrid or in-person event, we can help.

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Whatever your vision for your next virtual, hybrid or in-person event, we can help.

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Whatever your vision for your next virtual, hybrid or in-person event, we can help.