The Green Party is a democratic organisation that strives to create a just, equitable and sustainable society and encourages its members to get fully involved when deciding upon policy. Members come from all walks of life, and while the majority are not professional politicians, they have a valued voice in how policies are written, updated and amended.
The Green Party’s Autumn Conference is the main event of the year and the time when the AGM takes place. During this three-day, high-profile event, members come together to participate in the policy-making process, share learning, network and ultimately decide on the way forward for the coming year. The Conference not only focuses on internal actions; this renowned event grabs media attention, enabling the party to raise further awareness of their policies to the wider public and, ultimately, their future supporters.
This year’s Autumn Conference was held in Harrogate, opening doors to over 800 virtual and in-person attendees. In an ever-changing world, hybrid events allow you to connect with your audience, wherever they are attending from. At the Conference, onsite attendees and speakers were seamlessly brought alongside remote participants while our experienced production and streaming teams were on-hand to provide guidance and support. Delegates joining virtually accessed all event content via the CrowdComms Virtual and Hybrid Event Platform and, as such, enjoyed personalised agendas, event information and a user-friendly and secure proxy voting feature.
Bespoke, Secure Proxy Voting
“Voting was brilliant. The user experience was fantastic and allowed us to be very inclusive.”
Before partnering with us, the Green Party had worked with many event technology providers, and voting was always managed separately from their primary virtual or hybrid event platform. After initial discussions, it was clear that we needed to address this issue and provide a more inclusive solution for the event organisers. Our team pulled together to design and build a bespoke, secure proxy voting feature, all held conveniently within our platform.
This attention to inclusivity and accessibility enabled members to easily access voting within the platform without the need to log in to any third-party providers. A total of 4,538 votes were cast throughout the event, and due to the platform’s security, the Green Party could feel confident in their validity.
“No other platform could do what you did for us.”
Knowing that data is safe is critical: CrowdComms is ISO27001:2013 certified by the British Standards Institute, which means that our business operations, policies and processes, as well as our software, are checked to ensure that we meet this extremely high-security standard.
Intuitive CMS – You’re in Control
When it comes to our platform, you’re in the driving seat. The Green Party event organisers appreciated our easy-to-use CMS dashboard, which provided them with quick access to our wide range of templates and customisable features. Previous limitations to functionality experienced with other providers were no longer a problem. Our CMS delivered a flexible and supremely customisable approach to building out the event, supported by comprehensive documentation and our in-person support team.
A key feature that came into its own was the ability to change the vocabulary across the platform’s front end. Choosing terms that members would instantly recognise, and are familiar with, brought an extra level of inclusivity and ease to the user experience during the event.
“Your CMS is hands-down the easiest to use and the most comprehensive we have ever come across.”
Onsite Streaming
Our onsite stream technicians and support specialists are highly valued by our clients for their proactive, reassuring and positive approach and it was a pleasure to hear how much the Green Party appreciated this level of support.
Having delivered successful events for over eleven years, we are accustomed to working closely with external AV teams to achieve the best possible results. The event organisers at the Autumn Conference remarked on our team’s ‘can-do’ attitude and that they got stuck in from the outset, which resulted in a smooth and stress-free experience.
“The CrowdComms staff are on our wavelength – they were completely on top of what was happening.”
Thank you to the Green Party for providing us with their feedback for this case study. Please take a look at their website to learn more about the party.
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